On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Patrick Grantham (at work) wrote:
> Near as I can procmail is installed and running on my suse7.3 mail server.
> I am not certain which files to put rules in. I was expecting to fine a
> .conf or .rc file. Am I on the right track? Where are rules stored in.
> Where would I store a rule to filter email attachments ending in .exe or
> .scr to any user, but forward a copy of the email unfiltered to root?
Depends on if you want to filter all mail to the server or just to your
inbox. For local, single user filtering you need a ~/.forward and a
~/.procmailrc file. The .forward should be:
Your .procmailrc will contain your rulesets. E.g.:
PATH= /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
* ^To.*flux-core@flux.org
* ^Subject.*SLUG.*
To use procmail server-wide depends somewhat on your MTA. You'd add an
/etc/procmailrc file containing something like:
ORGMAIL /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME
SENDMAIL /usr/sbin/sendmail
| /usr/bin/spamc
Depending on whether you're using Postfix/Sendmail/Qmail you may need to
do some other minor configs.
BTW, have you looked at SpamAssassin?
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