Re: [SLUG] RH9

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Sun Apr 27 2003 - 15:58:30 EDT

On Sun, 2003-04-27 at 15:33, Kenneth W Hansen wrote:
> Kwan,
> I've tried several installations of Mandrake 9.1, and
> don't get any menu options except RUN COMMAND and LOG
> OFF. The only error message I had during the install
> was a lib file for
> Could this be caused by a bad CD? (it was a downloaded
> iso burned to CD).

It does sound like a bad CD. I didn't get any lib errors during my
installation. Check the install log (or ALT-F to the log terminal during
install) and see what errors are listed. Have you tried rebuilding the
menu system using update-menus?

Kwan Lowe <>

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