RE: [SLUG] Memory unaccounted for?

From: Craig Zeigler (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 00:59:28 EDT

I have an old FIC SD11, and it has a similar problem. the board will
support 256MB chips but only PC100. If you use PC133, it will only use
128s. I didn't locate the original post, but that might be something to

-----Original Message-----
From: btt []
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Memory unaccounted for?

On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 11:56:28AM -0400, Derek Glidden wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 18:05, bpreece1 wrote:
> > This could be because the mother board does not support double
> > sided memory ! Thus is only seeing one side of the second module.
> > Also some older motherboards are not designed to use a mix. Again
> > SOME motherboards.
> That's the first thing I thought of, too. We've run into a few
> goofy mobos that will only use single-sided dimms. Very strange...
> And that's assuming the mobo even supports 256MB chips. It may be
> old enough that it will only support up to a 128MB chip. Can you
> confirm that it's supposed to be able to support 256MB ram modules?

Hmmmm.. Thanks for the tips. I've tried the 128MB alone and the 256MB
alone and they both worked. I am pretty sure that the 256 is a 2-sided
chip, as for the 128... I can't remember.

The MB can't be that old. Only a couple of years. It's a celeron
866. Heck... I might just go ahead any get another 256MB and try to
pair them up and see if that works. They're pretty cheap these days.

Thanks again,

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