RE: [SLUG] Booting CD-ROMS

From: Josh Tiner (
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 20:15:30 EDT

See replies inline...

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dylan
William Hardison
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Booting CD-ROMS

On Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 09:13AM -0700, Robert Eanes wrote:


>The CD is connected, I see the power connector and the ATA/IDE
>(The ``Duct tape'' ``wire'') are both in securely.

Ok! Have you tried booting from the CD with a known working computer.
Were there any problems...

>I'm really quite sure it is clean, and I lost my CD-ROM cleaner. :(

If you really need to clean the CD - and there is a slim possibility you
might - I usually find it best to get a Torx driver and completely
disassemble the CD drive. Then use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab and
clean the lense. This works for me...but buyer beware!

>Interestingly, under IDE Devices in "Advanced" in my BIOS settings,
>there is no CD-ROM listed. There use to be, however... So the BIOS
>doesn't ``see'' it.

Ah HAH! Now we may be getting somewhere. Can you manually tell your
BIOS that a CDROM is there - or perhaps use the automagic detect that is
supported by most modern BIOS's today. I kind of had a feeling all along
snooping around in the BIOS would reveal some results.

Anyways... I'm off to go see a sneak preview of the Matrix Reloaded at
the AMC 20 in Oldsmar - I will tell you guys how it was when I get


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