Re: [SLUG] considering open sourcing my app

From: Dylan William Hardison (
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 12:37:49 EDT

On Saturday, May 17, 2003 at 09:31AM -0400, Eric Jahn wrote:
> What if Bob, in scenario #4, decides to change his name to "SUSE" and
> then decides to charge more than shipping for his shrink-wrapped
> project? Hasn't Bob/SUSE violated the GPL, even though Bob/SUSE may
> tack on some proprietary plug-ins/enhancements?

Bob can sell it for however much he wants, and call it whatever he wants,
the source code must be available for free or for no more than the cost
of shipping. The source code need only be available to people who have
the binaries, too... At keast, that's what I remember from reading the GPL

Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink
that they may live.
                -- Socrates
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