Re: [SLUG] New Tampa Location

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 12:07:46 EDT

On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 22:37, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Thanks in large part the efforts of Robert Foxworth and especially to
> Wayne Pollock, we have secured a new location for Tampa meetings at the
> Dale Mabry HCC campus. I've just sent out the weekly meeting notice
> containing the new information, and updated the SLUG website as well.
> This may be a temporary location. There is a slight possibility that we
> could still use the PwC location at some later point, or possibly
> another place. However, for the time being (and until further notice),
> HCC is allowing us to use one of their classrooms. I've never been there
> myself, but I've included all the directions I could find to get there.
> Please try to make it and leave a little extra time to actually find the
> room.
> Again, many thanks to Wayne. He had to hock his kids and pay off several
> government officials to get this (kidding!). If you can make time to
> check out the new location, it would be appreciated. It's not far from
> PricewaterhouseCoopers.
> Hope to see you there,

And may I just put in my $0.02 and thank everyone involved for
continuing to have the meeting location so close to where Ian and myself
work, making it possible for one or the other of us lazy sods to once in
a while drag our butts out of our VERY comfortable and inviting chairs
and wander (more or less aimlessly) over to the meetings with a minimal
output of any actual brain activity being required to locate and
maneuver our hoplessly lethargic selves into the meeting room where we
invairably stare blankly at the floor or wall or other non-sentient,
immobile denizen of the meetingspace, to the amusement of all.

If you could keep this in mind for any future meeting locations, we
would probably be grateful, if we could bring ourselves to put forth the
effort to generate the energy that would be required to feel such an

"We all enter this world in the    | Support Electronic Freedom
same way: naked; screaming; soaked |
in blood. But if you live your     |
life right, that kind of thing     |---------------------------
doesn't have to stop there." -- Dana Gould

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