Re: [SLUG] reformatting windows drive, and restoring lilo

From: Scott Piper (
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 11:50:58 EDT

what I would do is run cfdisk or fdisk on your C: drive

delete the windows partitions, and repartition it for linux

use mkfs (ext2, ext3, or xfs) to make a linux file system on the partition
(for ext3 you would do something like)

mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 (to format the 1st partition on your drive
- do the same for your /usr partition and others)

Run lilo -v as before to restore any info that was deleted to Drive C:
it will write the boot sector information based on your /etc/lilo.conf file.

if you want /dev/hda1 to be your new home directory,
and /dev/hda2 to be the new /usr directory, then you can do this

su to root,
cd (takes you to /root)
mkdir temp
mount /dev/hda1 temp
cp -a /home/* temp
umount temp

mount /dev/hda2 temp (for your /usr)
cp -a /usr/* temp
umount temp

Now edit your /etc/fstab so the system will mount your new /home and
/usr partitions
(these have ext3 for file system type - use yours)

/dev/hda1 /home ext3 defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 /usr ext3 defaults 0 0

Now whether you can do this part I'm not sure, but I would try - still
as root

mv /usr /usr.bak
mkdir /usr

mv /home /home.bak
mkdir /home

mount -a, or if you prefer, mount /home and then mount /usr

I don't think that there is any reason to reboot


J. David Boyd wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Good morning all,
> I'm using Mandrake 9.0, and I like it very much. I'm learning
> more about it every day, but I have a question about LILO.
> I originally dual-booted my system, windows 98 (on C:) and
> mandrake 9.0 (on D:). Over the last year, I've used windows less
> and less, and now would like to reformat the drive it is on.
> How do I restore the LILO stuff after I reformat the C: drive?
> Would a linux boot disk make it possible? And, can I extend my
> /usr or /home to take advantage of the new space on the C: drive?
> Actually, what I am after is a link to the appropriate
> documentation, or a recommended book on how to perform this
> operation.
> Thank, everyone...
> Dave
> - --
> It's most certainly GNU/Linux, not Linux!
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