Re: [SLUG] GTK and Glade

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Wed Oct 29 2003 - 10:17:26 EST

> I'm learning to program in C and I want to start learning GTK so I can
> give my
> programs GUIs. I'm having trouble finding good
> documentation/examples/tutorials
> anyone know of any good ones other than the official ones. Also what does
> 'good'
> GTK code look like? Are there guidelines/conventions for 'good' GTK code
> (variable and function naming schemes etc.).
Well, any GTK style hints would take a backseat to your project style
conventions and basic C style conventions anyway. And no, I don't know of
a guideline document. "Good" GTK code looks like good C code with a lot
of macros for casting.

> And lastly does Glade produce
> 'good' code?
Well, that's a matter of opinion. In previous releases of Glade, it had a
tendency to produce code that functioned incorrectly (in minor ways) or
didn't compile. OTOH, it was still easier for me to correct small errors
in the boilerplate than to generate it all myself.

> Do serious programmers use it or is it just mainly used with
> python
> to create simple programs very quickly?
I've never used glade with python, but I hate python...

That's a question you could ask of any RAD tool, really - do "serious"
programmers use it? Some people will say, "No! Serious programmers code
everything by hand using vimacs!" Others will say, "Yes, for a
complicated GUI, it's a waste of time to code the whole thing by hand when
you can whip up a Glade GUI in a few minutes, have it generate hundreds or
thousands of lines of boilerplate code, and tweak the boilerplate from

Glade is (somewhat) integrated into the Anjuta IDE.
Projects developed with glade:
Gtk-gnutella, Progeny GNU/Linux (Installer and debconf frontend), XFce,
AlsaPlayer, GnoZip, Gabber, Gyach, gvlc, ggnuplot, goosnes, and many more.
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