Re: [SLUG] Cheapie Acer PC, Part 2.

From: david tomlinson (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 19:30:09 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robin 'Roblimo' Miller" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 10:03:30 -0500
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Cheapie Acer PC, Part 2.
> >... while Windows gives barely
> > acceptable performance on this system, Linux is too slow to show on it.
> >
> > I'm still looking for a version of Linux that will run at an acceptable speed
> > on this laptop. Mepis isn't it.
> The key may not be distro-shopping, but using a lighter desktop
> environment than Gnome or KDE. I'm playing more and more with IceWM,
> which has produced a noticeable speed improvement every time I've tested
> it.
> I only use a few KDE or Gnome apps, notably Konq, Kpackage and the KDE
> menu editor. The rest of what I use only needs libraries from one or the
> other, and not that many of them.
> In a way, what I might like best would be "KDE Light" - the basic
> desktop itself without all the apps built in. Any suggestions from the
> choir on what other desktops I might consider that have easy menu, panel
> and background/theme editing, but don't suck up system resources like
> the "big two"?
> - Robin
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Ran into the similar situation with other hardware-like the trucker said-too much weight for the power. Solution for me
     was to lighten the weight (take synaptic or better yet, kpackage and start whiitling down unnecessary files. If you don't
     use Open Office or whatever bloatware, Remove it, better yet: purge it. And since we are talking about using a
     front end for dpkg, whether it is Synaptic, Kpackage or whatever it will only be as good as it configured. No arguments
     please about front ends for dpkg- they do it the way it is configured.
         Open a terminal, type top and see how many do you have. On Mepis,disable or remove Apache and any others
     and you can get the numbers down substantially. Libranet has a minimal install that really brings the numbers down.
         Either way you should have a real winner. Definitely agree about ICEWM. ICEWM can start KDE or GNOME
     apps from the ICEWM much faster than from the bloated KDE or GNOME desktops. Yes, I know people have said
     ICEWM is not a desktop, just a mere window manager. It works faster and better for me(donning flameproof suit).
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