Re: [SLUG] Cheapie Acer PC, Part 2.

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 18:31:19 EST

On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 10:03:30AM -0500, Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:

> >... while Windows gives barely
> >acceptable performance on this system, Linux is too slow to show on it.
> >
> >I'm still looking for a version of Linux that will run at an acceptable
> speed
> >on this laptop. Mepis isn't it.
> The key may not be distro-shopping, but using a lighter desktop
> environment than Gnome or KDE. I'm playing more and more with IceWM,
> which has produced a noticeable speed improvement every time I've tested
> it.
> I only use a few KDE or Gnome apps, notably Konq, Kpackage and the KDE
> menu editor. The rest of what I use only needs libraries from one or the
> other, and not that many of them.
> In a way, what I might like best would be "KDE Light" - the basic
> desktop itself without all the apps built in. Any suggestions from the
> choir on what other desktops I might consider that have easy menu, panel
> and background/theme editing, but don't suck up system resources like
> the "big two"?

Xfce comes to mind and is lightweight. There is also an app called
"Pogo" which implements a button bar with buttons for your favorite
apps, for window managers that don't allow icons on the desktop (IceWM
and Xfce).

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