Re: [SLUG] A question of databases

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 08:52:01 EDT wrote:

>This is really new territory for me (I am a radio guy) I am going to
>do some AVL work, I need to capture data into a database, that data
>will be read into mapping machines in order to track the vehicles.
>I see that I have available two database products on my RedHat machines,
>MySQL and PostGRES.
>What of these or what other db should I use for this sort of activty.
>At present there will be the following data fields in the db.
>ID, Lat, Lon, gps_time, time_received, status, additional data
>gps_time is the time that the record was generated in the vehicle
>received_time is the time it is entered into the database
>status is a code that would change if some event (panic button,
>inertia switch, open door, etc) is activated, and additional data is
>other data the remote end can send to the database.
>Chuck Hast
I have used Postgres extensively in professional projects since 1994,
and I have used MySQL for some websites (especially to run PostNuke), so
you can see where my bias might lie. MySQL is supposed to have a speed
advantage (in case you are doing a lot of processing on a slow
machine). Postgres has a definite feature advantage (ACID compliant
transactions, nested subqueries, etc.) I have been very frustrated
trying to work around some of the missing features in MySQL (especially
nested sub-queries like: select * from tablea where (id not in (select
ta_id from table b where active)); ) and would highly recommend
Postgres for its reliability.


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