> As a point of comparison, yesterday I did a complete Fedora Core 1
> installation (almost everything installed except games and servers). It
> required 3/4 CDs. Total time for the installation, including updates
> via a DSL
> line, was 2.5 hours. It took another hour to install my other packages
> (fluxbox, java, NVidia drivers, DVD player, mplayer). Only the last
> hour
> required much interaction however.
I only remember 3 cds in Fedora core 1 when I did a review of it. to
do a complete install did take an hour .... Did it really take your
2.5 hours? that seems awful long ..
> Oh, I suppose I should mention that my Gentoo Stage 1 emerge
> (occurring inside
> a VMWare machine on an Athlon XP2500+ box) is still going after about
> 24
> hours.
Hopefully it will be done soon I did a Stage 1 install on a 2.4 p4
northwood and it finished up in about 28 hours... On a side note the
whole gentoo thing is great in theory but I just dont see much of an of
a change but maybe it just me.
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