----- Original Message -----
From: "Travis R. Birt" <travis@databasepro.net>
To: <slug@nks.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Linspire aka Lindows now trying to make Apple
> This is not spam. You Have to sign up and request this to get it. If you
> do not want it anymore, go to
> https://shop.linspire.com/user/mylindows_subscriptions.php and check off
> that you do not want it.
> You will have to log in as whatever you did originally when you
> requested it though.
See I have done that before ifI go to my account with them it shows that I
wish not to reciever the BS Minutes but I still get them to the email the
account was registared with. So that makes it spam and I have filed it with
the can spam act as spam as I told them to stop sending it to me.
> Yeah, how terrible, someone is drawing attention to Linux.. Has gotten a
> lot of people to use it that never looked at it. Managed to make Linux
> easy enough a beginner can use it. By all means we should st...??? Wait
> a minute, why would you want to stop him from making Linux more popular?
Hmmm...... Why should I want to stop thousands of people from buying Lindows
aka Linspire just for them to have to go out and PAY for free software.
Sorry while I dont like ewwi guuuuuuuiiiiiiiii bloatware linux distros they
are all better than Linspire. Michael is like one of those little kids that
think it fun to poke the poor dog with a stick over and over and over again
until the dog attacks and the kids boohooing about it. Well brat if you
werent poking the dog ( Microsoft) then it would not have attacked. Michael
wants you all to beleive that Microsoft is after them because Linspire is
such a big step in Linux Desktop front that old Bill just has to stop it.
While the truth is that Microsoft attacked because your product name plays
off the Microsoft Flagship product.
While some think I am pro Microsoft I am not, I am not Pro Linux or Pro Mac
.... I am not pro anything.... I enjoy and use each and every OS that has
come to my computer. Be it Slackware , Windows 3.0-XP, Mandrake, Linspire ,
BeOS, Yellow Tab's Zeta, Mac OS 6-10.3.3, or even DOS. I mean each and
everyone has the good points and there bad points. But I will not allow
this kind of boohooing about MS and soon enough Apple to go on with out
someone saying something.
> I think Michael Rovertson did a brilliant piece of marketing. Love or
> hate Lindows, a LOT more people know about it then most Linux variants,
> simply because of all the press he got from the lawsuit. A lawsuit over
> a common term, windows.
Sorry Windows is not a common term. When talking about about OS there is
only one.
Sorry when i ask some one if they are using Windows people dont go well I
have like 2 in the bed room and 6 out in the living room. They know I am
talking about the computer and I have never had someone mistake another OS
for windows.
We are not talking about a generic term any more Jello, Xerox,
It is like apple naming Power PC chips. if I say somethign like G3 G4 G5
they know what I am talking about. While on the other side of the fence IBM
servers they dont go by apple naming convestion but there real names 740
750 etc.
Called if you own a trademark and someone else was playing off of it and
making money off of it you would not be happy either.
> > Just like he did with MP3.com and the RIAA
> >
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> >
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