No matter which ISP you take, you are still ultimately stuck with Verizon's
service since Verizon owns the "last mile" connection to the demarc. The only
difference is who has to go complain to Verizon when it doesn't work (if you use
an ISP other than Verizon, it's the ISP's responsibility to complain to them).
The ISP's other than Verizon are simply reselling your local phone company DSL
service at a small discount, which the ISP then fills in with its service fee to
make an amount that's roughly equivalent. It is not dissimilar to dial-up
service-no matter which ISP you use you are still stuck with your local phone
company owning the line.
The same goes for cable modem, except that it's the cable company that owns the
last mile connection (Bright House offers Road Runner, AOL Broadband, Earthlink,
or Internet Junction on the same cable connection, all for the same price except
for AOL (which is $10 more)).
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: {SPAM?} Re: [SLUG] Sarasota DSL Providers
Hi Mark and all!
I agree about Verizon, they are not to be trusted. Go with Access
Unlimited. I have been very satisfied with their service. Tell them you are
the Linux club President since George in particular is very supportive of
At 08:51 PM 5/12/2004, you wrote:
>Joe Brandt wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>Anybody have recommendations?
>>I use Verizon with no problems, They even let me host services as long
>>as my bandwidth is not what they deem excessive. They will not define
>>excessive though.
>That's a common problem with DSL providers that are also telephone
>companies: they tend to conceal standards of "reasonability" so that they
>can change them at any time without having to inform anyone.
>Likewise, Verizon has a bad reputation for bilking their customers,
>particularly as applies to package deals. If they offer you a deal
>involving DSL and unlimited long distance for one low-low rate, expect it
>to be a lot of smoke and mirrors. I know of at least four people (my
>father being one of them) that bought that line, read all the fine print,
>found that they really did seem to be offering the deal that they appeared
>to be offering . . . and ended up getting charged something like two
>hundred dollars in domestic long distance.
>I'm not saying nobody should use Verizon, but you should definitely be
>suspicious of anything that sounds too good to be true.
>Chad Perrin
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This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
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This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
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