[SLUG] MIDAS frontend for Snort.... Apache MySql PHP headache

From: Mike Branda (mike@wackyworld.tv)
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 13:19:51 EDT

I'm trying to get a better handle on what's on my network including an
easier way to watch and lock down hack attempts than digging through
overly large logs. Sucking it up and doing the digging is not an option
due to too many other things I'm also personally responsible for.
Running a SuSE 9.0 Pro semi-server box and workstation, I'd like to get
MIDAS ( http://midas-nms.sourceforge.net/ ) up and running as it is
seems to be a good front for using Snort with a webAdmin/Monitor setup.
any other suggestions would be appreciated too. anyway, it is dependent
upon Apache, PHP and MySQL. for those who are database webserver
savvy, that's probably a walk in the park. I'm lost. I'm not sure if
it needs Apache or Apache2, I can't seem to find the php-mysql connector
for SuSE 9.0 that is a dependency, do I have to fully configure all
three Apache, PHP, MySQL as if they were going to be used as a database
webserver before moving on?? anybody try any of this yet??


Mike Branda

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