Well, knowing how much people seem to dislike Lindows on this list, I was
undecided on if I should post this or not. However, I decided that it would
be cool to get some serious questions and comments for people at Lindows
to answer. Here is the deal, as a Lindows Insider, they had a chance for us
to send in answers to some questions, then they chose between all of the
entrants and picked who was going to get an all expense paid trip to San
Diego to work with Lindows for a week and see what they have going, and
what they are doing and maybe give some suggestions and ideas.
If you have some suggestions and or ideas for the Linspire OS that you
would kind of like to see someone from our Linux Users Group hand
deliver, send me a message, or you can stop by my blog and make
comments. Part of the agreement with coming out there was to keep a
blog so others can read about our experience out there. If you are just
looking to slam Linspire/Lindows, don't bother please. I am looking for
constructive criticism and questions only please. Thanks!
Visit my weblog at :
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Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
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