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On Tuesday 25 May 2004 10:30 pm, you wrote:
> From upFront eZine (a cad newsletter):
> Microsoft agreed to pay Opera Software US$12.75 million to head off a
> threatened lawsuit over code that made some Web pages on MSN look bad,
> according to CNET. Opera had earlier demonstrated that Microsoft checked
> whether browsers identified themselves as Opera, and then sent them code
> that made the Web page look poorly rendered.
> Man, some of those boys are out of control....
> Ken Elliott
> =====================
Some time back I had occaision to research this very topic and I believe the
technical term is "dipwads".
Frankly, when something won't display in either Opera or Mozilla, I figure the
website itself is broken and just keep moving. The only way that childish
stunt could convince anyone that Opera was 'broked' would be if someone only
surfed to MSN. Okay, so Steve and Bill thought it was cool. When every other
site works fine and MSN doesn't, the fault lays with MSN. Period.
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