Steve wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> I guess you are running windows, which mostly does not know about email
> threads. What happend was you pressed reply and started your own thread
> inside another thread started by Dylan.
It's also possible that, like me, he as a person doesn't tend to use automated thread sorting. I delete most of my email when I'm done reading it, and only save those emails that contain information that I'm saving for its own sake, to save on hard drive space. I guess it's a holdover from the day when all the hard drives were two gigabytes and less.
I hadn't really thought about the issue you're describing before this in reference to these email lists, but now that I know you're annoyed by it (and am aware that there are probably others annoyed by it, in silence, as well) I'll make an effort to not take the easy way out. Of course, if there were email clients that made email address management for new outgoing emails more convenient, I suppose this wouldn't be an issue. Perhaps, some day, I'll be l33t enough to write one of my own.
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