RE: [SLUG] free xandros

From: Steven Buehler (
Date: Fri Jun 11 2004 - 18:54:00 EDT

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Logan Tygart wrote:

> I just recently read on /. or The Register (and I can't find the link
> grrr) there are already more Linux Desktops than Apple. I wish I could
> find the link.

What I'm waiting for is for Microsoft to come out with their Longhorn,
with the built-in DRM model that's going to piss off thousands of computer
users around the world, and just when their frustation reaches its peak.
Apple releases its Project "Marlkar", or OSX for the x86 architecture.
Between that and Linux, Microsoft would be sunk in a month.

I can dream, can't I?


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