Re: [SLUG] Slow Mozilla - Now can't connect

From: Bob Stia (
Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 02:41:48 EDT

On Wednesday 14 July 2004 07:58 am, scott wrote:
> Bob, when you connect by pppd, the ip-up script is run. After you
> disconnect,
> the ip-down script is run. if you use the "usepeerdns" option when
> pppd is called,
> one of the things that ip-up does is call a script to set up your
> /etc/resolv.conf file. This is also called by some dynamic DNS,
> because the machine you connect to sends the DNS server addresses to
> you. After you disconnect,
> ip-down calls a script to restore your old /etc/resolv.conf.
> Because the server addresses are sent when you connect they should be
> alright, but
> you can test them by pinging each one to see if they respond. You
> can also replace them by writing your own /etc/resolv.conf file and
> making sure that the
> usepeerdns option isn't used. For your system, just follow the steps
> that your
> temporary resolv.conf file listed.

Hello Scott,
Thanks for the tutorial. I kind of thought that was the way it worked.
However; see below. I made the changes suggested in the
temporary /etc/resolv.conf file about not changing the nameservers.
Now /etc/resolv.conf is GONE! dissapeared !
.........<some snip>...........

> >On Friday, 9 July 2004 12:26 am, Bob Stia wrote:

> >> your suggestion I went and looked at
> >> /etc/resolv.config I found something strange. The file had been
> >> replaced by pppd, & pppo.
> >>Following is the new/replaced resolv.conf file:
> >>----------------------------------------------------------
> >># Process: pppd
> >># Process_id: 2523
> >># Script: /etc/ppp/ip-up
> >># Saveto:
> >># Info: This is a temporary resolv.conf created by service
> >>pppd. # The previous file has been saved and will be
> >>restored later.
> >>#
> >># If you don't like your resolv.conf to be changed,
> >> you # can set
> >> variables are placed in
> >>/etc/sysconfig/network/config. #

OK, the lines above is what I did

> >># You can also configure service pppd not to modify
> >> it. #

Don't know what service pppd is.

> >># If you do not want the pppd to change your
> >> nameserver # settings set MODIFYDNS=no in the config
> >> file for # this provider in
> >> /etc/sysconfig/network/providers/

And I did this.

> >> # and ensure that the option usepeerdns is not set
> >> # in /etc/ppp/options.

There was not the option listed in /etc/ppp/options

> >>#
> >>### END INFO
> >>nameserver
> >>nameserver

Now, since these above DNS numbers were so strange, I contacted my ISP.
They replied that they have not used those DNS numbers for several years
and that I should delete them wherever found and use the current set.
Did that. Changed them in /etc/ppp/resolv.conf. Then checked my ip-up,
ip-down, and pap-secrets files to, make sure everything was proper and
the same.

...................<more snip>................

Now the main problem. I can connect to the ISP just fine, but when I
go to get mail or a URL in my browser, I get the message, "Unknown host
-" (which is my provider) So, here I am, worse off than
when I started out. I tried to reverse all of my changes but that also
failed, probably due to the fact that the /etc/resolv.conf file is
missing and I could not regenerate it. I don't see any errors in any of
the log files. Why doesn't it see the host?

Please help!!

Bob S.
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