On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 09:51:43PM -0400, Anthony Harper wrote:
> I saw the stupid floppy tricks thread and decided to come forward with
> an issue that's been buggin me. Here's a snippet of a bash session
> wherein lies my problem. I am logged in as a normal user, I attempt to
> mount my win32 partition in two ways I've seen(but I really have no clue
> why one works and not the other, half of my issue, I suppose). As is
> evident, I cannot mount that partition as a normal user, despite having
> edited fstab to include the user flag.
> hockney@Twang:~> mount /dev/hda1
> mount: fs type fat32 not supported by kernel
> hockney@Twang:~> mount /dev/hda1 /windows/C
> mount: only root can do that
> hockney@Twang:~> su
> Password:
> Twang:/home/Hockney # umount /dev/hda1
> Twang:/home/Hockney # mount /dev/hda1
> mount: fs type fat32 not supported by kernel
> Twang:/home/Hockney # mount /dev/hda1 /windows/C
> And now I wonder why I get the fat32 error if I don't include
> /windows/C, it's not like specifying the name of the mount point changes
> the filesystem being mounted, right? So basically, I'd like to mount my
> filesystem as a normal user, and be able to write to it, which is the
> same question as with the floppy, I suppose, except that I have the
> added fat32 weirdness.
I don't understand why this is, but even when you include the "user"
flag in fstab, you still can't mount something as a user because the
mount command itself won't allow it. Go figure. The only solution I've
seen is to use sudo.
"fat32" isn't a recognized filesystem type, according to mount(8). It
sounds like you have this in your fstab. You might try "vfat" instead.
Why the one form of the command works and the other doesn't, I don't
know. But you my change fat32 to vfat and try it.
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