>>I just recently defragged and compressed it, but will do so again.
Chuck, most defragers stink on the NT code base. They have difficulty
moving some files, since the OS actually does a great job of protecting them
from being molested. I couldn't install Linux on a machine used for video
editing (lots of huge files added and deleted) because there were fragments
everywhere. Diskkeeper, Norton and others couldn't move some of those
fragments. After testing darn near all, I found one that stands heads and
shoulders above the rest... Perfectdisk. They have a 30 day trial version
that will do the job.
Run PerfectDisk, then install SuSE. You'll end up buying it if you stay
with Windows. If you go Linux, then it's use was free. I like free...
Ken Elliott
-----Original Message-----
From: slug@nks.net [mailto:slug@nks.net] On Behalf Of wchast@utilpart.com
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 5:21 PM
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Resizing NTFS for LINUX install
So far very interesting, looks like most are pointing to the same two pieces
of software. I will check the disk, I just recently defragged and compressed
it, but will do so again. After it was done, I only had 8g used, so there
should be plenty of space left even after I whack out 15G for my Linux
I never understood how M$ who also wrote the HPFS code for OS/2 never
implemented the automatic defragmentation that they did in HPFS. My
OS/2 machine never had fragmentation issues. I guess they probably did some
sort of legal thing with IBM where they promised that they would not put it
in the OS.
Is there anything in particular I should know about doing the dual boot
thing with Windows X-Pee (I really like that one who ever it was that used
it!) and Linux?
Chuck Hast
To paraphrase my flight instructor;
"the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going out
and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn and twisted
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