Wade S Grant wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 10:29, Chad Perrin wrote:
>>Eric Jahn wrote:
>>>On Friday 23 July 2004 12:45 am, Chad Perrin wrote:
>>>>It uses ActiveX, which is probably part of the
>>>>reason for the lack of sound in Linux.
>>>It looked to me like the movie was just Shockwave. It worked fine under Suse
>>>9.1, sound and all, no modifications.
>>Odd. It wouldn't play until I turned on ActiveX in my browser. Maybe turning
>>off ActiveX also turned off something else important.
> No problem here with Slack 10 and DL..............
Maybe I wouldn't have had a problem if I had sound on my Linux box at all and
thus tried to watch it from there rather than switching to the Win2k machine,
with speakers attached.
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