>>I think that this is broken, it may just be a bad install on my part.
Maybe, but just for fun, turn off the D-Link router and see if the messages
go away. If that works, set DHCP for the subnet 10.0.0.x, then set the
wireless IP to (or close to that).
I think SuSE's DHCP sees the D-Link router's DHCP and is freaking out.
Check my next message. I'm almost finished writing it.
Ken Elliott
-----Original Message-----
From: slug@nks.net [mailto:slug@nks.net] On Behalf Of A2L1
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 7:59 PM
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: Re: [SLUG] networking
I tried to use yast as a setup and was going to use a ststic on the dlink
router. While running yast and starting the dhcp server it came up with
error do you want to use the saved settings. Not only once but the four
different times that I tried to start the dhcp server. I think that this is
broken, it may just be a bad install on my part. i will scrounge through the
suse support and see if there is any reference to the dhcp problem I am
Is anyone else running SuSE 9.1 and either running or having a prob with the
dhcp server?
Thanks, and I will post the results of my net hunt and trials in case
someone else might run into the same prob.
On Saturday 24 July 2004 18:01, A2L1 wrote:
> Now if there is a problem with the linux box being a dhcp server to
> the router which in turn is a dhcp server then I guess the linux box
> would have to still be a server to the router but using a static?
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