Re: [SLUG] Re: OT: M$ deals the final blow -- you missed the entire point ...

From: Steve Szmidt (
Date: Wed Sep 15 2004 - 20:08:21 EDT

On Wednesday 15 September 2004 07:07 pm, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 18:35, steve szmidt wrote:
> > Ooh, don't be soo unfaiir to poor moneyslut, eh, microsloft! It's not
> > THEIR fault that we are soo dumb as to be using their O/S over an
> > insecure network like the Internet! Or any other LAN for that matter.
> > Microslut is only in the business of making MONEY! Not functioning
> > software, that's OUR problem! We should have known better before agreeing
> > to the EULA! OR using it to drive our vital business applications!
> Actually, this _real_world_ scenario that _actually_happened_ is the #1
> reason I maintain that Microsoft solutions should _never_ be deployed.
> I was _not_ complaining about Microsoft. I was stating why I _never_
> recommend or deploy the solutions myself.

Hehe, yes. I am fully aware of this. I just could not help myself taking a
stab at them.

> I think my career has shown that I can repeatedly make a 100%
> _technical_ case on why a specific MS or other Hostageware solution
> should not be deployed, offering a Freedomware/Standardware in its
> place. In fact, I do _not_ merely complain and say "we're stuck with
> MS," I actually go out and recommend _specific_ solutions that are
> better for the well-being of the client.
> With that said, understand the systems affected at the aforementioned
> Fortune 100 company were _not_ under my control. After disclosing the
> information I found out about SQL Slammer, one person directly stated
> that I probably saved people's asses. I may not use MS solutions, but I
> have competent colleagues who do. And it was a lesson to them why they
> do _not_ have a friend in Microsoft by deploying these solutions, so
> they should show *0* loyalty.
> I offer these stories as 1st-hand proof of what MS solutions buy
> professionals ... a world of pain. I might have learned this a long
> time ago, but I still see people who don't -- people who are my
> colleagues.
> > Before bitching over poor win, get an ATTORNEY to set yourself straight
> > about your legal situation. Then go away and let that poor and harassed
> > company make some money without all this noise from people, who are not
> ???

It's all said in mock pity of poor MS for having these problems with customers


Steve Szmidt

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