[SLUG] Re: Helping AutoCAD with Linux -- "force create/directory mode" options ...

From: Bryan J. Smith (b.j.smith@ieee.org)
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 18:40:56 EDT

On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 17:45, Mario Lombardo wrote:
> >From AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 2005
> ***Project Creation and Modification in certain network environments 568101***
> "In some network environments, projects cannot be created or modified when
> located on the servers. We have found that when the network shares have only
> the serversĒ local administrator account with full permissions, our tests
> failed. If the serversĒ local administrator group (which the local
> administrator account is a member) had full permissions to the share, our
> tests worked."
> Ok, so I'm using Samba. The users have been happy up until now that
> this piece of software doesn't allow for them to create a Project
> Navigator object.

Actually it will, and quite nicely too.

You're having the issue where a user is writing out a file, then another
user is attempting to modify it. Although you _are_ using a "create
mode" that is 0664/0775, there is no "force create/directory mode" which
would _guarantee_ 0664 or 0775. In the case a user's mask is 022,
instead of the required 002, the file is not group writable.

> The above is apparently the windows circumvention to the issue.

Yes, to totally bypass permissions altogeher.

> I don't know how I'd do this in Samba. I've tried a myriad of
> attempts, but they've failed. The only way it works is if the
> projects are created under the root share folder:
> /usr/projects
> Anything else deeper than that fails.

Correct, because a specific user is creating new folders with 0755
instead of 0775. Use the "force" options on the share (avoid globally,
for obvious, home directory reasons).

> However, if a user makes a project on his/her desktop and copies it,
> all is well there too.

Of course, because all users can still _read_ the data.

Once it is on the Windows system, because it is a "copy," NT resets
permissions to whatever those are of the directory you copied them into.

> I don't understand how best to makes this happen with Samba and
> Linux. Anybody?

Yes, use the "force create/directory mode" options on your shares.
Probably wouldn't hurt to use the "force group" option too.

I have added the lines below ...

> [projects]
> comment = Client projects and architectural drawings
> path = /usr/projects
> read only = No
> # read only = %S
> # admin users = @charlie
> valid users = @users
> admin users = @users
force group = users
> # create mask = 0664
> # directory mask = 0775
force create mode = 0664
force directory mode = 0775
> # inherit permissions = Yes
> # guest ok = yes
> [it]
> comment = Company software
> path = /usr/it
> read only = No
> # read only = %S
> # admin users = @charlie
> valid users = @users
> admin users = @users
force group = users
> # create mask = 0664
> # directory mask = 0775
force create mode = 0664
force directory mode = 0775
> # inherit permissions = Yes
> # guest ok = Yes

Bryan J. Smith                                  b.j.smith@ieee.org 
"Communities don't have rights. Only individuals in the community
 have rights. ... That idea of community rights is firmly rooted
 in the 'Communist Manifesto.'" -- Michael Badnarik

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