Re: [SLUG] St. Pete meeting

From: Dylan Hardison (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 02:32:59 EDT

And so on Pungenday, the sixth day of The Aftermath, Year of Our Lady Discordia
Three Thousand One Hundred and Seventy, which being called the Twenty Fifth day
of the October month in the year two thosand and four, the fruitful
and Ilkly Shaped Saint Petersburg chapter of the humble Suncoast Linux
User Group did assemble at the appointed time in the appointed place
and much merriment was to be had.

The meeting did start with yours truly re-arranging the chairs of the meeting
place, because their improper alignment did disturb him slightly. This
went on for about for about fifteen minutes, until your author tired
of such endeavours.

Meanwhile the meeting started, and our very own Comrade Steimle did
have his Projector Of Doom emitting its awful Light upon the hallowed
walls of the Library. Aaron explained this was because it was a bigger
picture on the wall then on the projector screen, and this is indeed

So indeed, Aaron with his Projector device began discussing the
PHP/MySQL application he had been working on in his secret mountain
lair. It should be noted, the wallpaper of Aaron's window manager is

Your author apologizes, but this part of the meeting is a blur to him,
for he was
somewhat preoccupied with restructuring his ~/.vimrc file.

Aaron related anecdotes about his work, which involves a great deal of
patent dead, on the order of hundreds of gigs of this and terabytes of

In the midst of this, Mario was asked to explain the mounting of ISO
images from CDs using the venerable /dev/loopN devices, and everyone
seemed glued to their seat.

Now, about this time yours truly felt the need to wash his hands,
having been so clumsy as to spill caffeinated beverage on the said
hands. Between the time it took to enter the bathroom, and then exit
the same -- about thirty seconds -- decided to never
enter that particular place again.

So, Aaron continued talking of the goings ons of his secret mountain
lair, and JavaScript magic, and his newfound PHP addiction. Then there
was even a flowchart.

So, as the meeting did draw to a close, James Miller and this storyteller
agreed that there would be an after-meeting meeting at a nearby
restaurant, and others were informed. Aaron informed everyone that he
was not actually there, and so he could not come. Mario had matters of
great importance to attend to, and various other people also declined.

In the end, James the Miller, Angela, Gloria, Bob the fox worthy, Jim
the Lightfoot,
Leonard, and Dylan the Hardy Son went to The St. Petersburg Dinner and
had merriment and food and conversation.

There was conversation of the Martial Arts of the Chinese from Mr. Lightfoot,
talk of conspiracies from James, Leonard, and this author, and so many
other things that one cannot remember. Sir Bob of the Worthy Fox was
his usual chipmunk self.

After the dinning, there was accusations to James that he is actually
an FBI mole planted to investigate the goings on of technocrati in the
Tampa area. James neither affirmed nor denied this.

All and all, it was a pleasant and educational meeting.
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