Re: [SLUG] is it just me?

From: Mike Dittmeier (
Date: Fri Nov 26 2004 - 15:28:52 EST

Sorry, I forgot. I still need to get a shared fax service up. I have
been looking a getty and hylafax. let me know if anyone has any other


On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 15:25 -0500, Mike Dittmeier wrote:
> Has everyone else been getting old email/out of order lately on the
> list?
> On to the real discussions! I hope Thanksgiving was good for everyone. I
> was finally afforded the time to reload my home server with FC3. I have
> to say all when fairly well. I have the following services up and
> running.
> 1. Apache
> 2. MySQL
> 3. PHP
> 4. Dovecot (Much easier than Cyrus, but we'll have to wait and
> see how it performs)
> 5. Squid
> 6. Nagios
> 7. DHCPD with ip reservations for Linux laptops, and kickstart
> directives
> 8. Bind (DNS)
> 9. Samba (Domain controller for my 1 windows PC (wife still
> hasn't converted))
> 10. Vsftpd
> 11. iptables with NAT (Multi-homed server)
> 12. Kickstart via NFS, HTTP, FTP
> 13. MRTG
> 14. Sendmail (Passed ordb relay check today) with black list
> enabled
> 15. Spammassassin
> 16. Clamd, Clamav-milter for Sendmail (again primarily for my 1
> windows PC).
> 17. CVS repository (not the pharmacy ;-) )
> 18. Snort IDS
> 19. Backups via an external Maxtor 250 GB Firewire drive
> 20. Syslog server for my routers to send alerts to.
> 21. cups as a print server (nothing to see here folks)
> 22. mailman for list serving.
> With install time and configuration I spend about 9 hours. I was
> done about time for dinner. The hardest part to get going was
> dovecot. The is a bug/feature in the installed version that
> points to a nonexistent file for the public ssl keys. CD to the
> '/usr/share/ssl/certs' folder, delete the imaps.pem and
> dovecot.pem, make dovecot.pem and make imapd.pem and we were
> nealry ready to go. still have to export the publick key and
> then point /etc/dovcot.conf to the newly generated public key
> and shabang! instant imaps and pop3s support.
> All of this was in the effort to try and generate configuration
> files and scripts to put into an rpm file for use with smb
> installs of Fedora and Red Hat.
> So after all of this work and knowing that I am no where near
> done, how many out there would even be interested in an rpm file
> that would allow you to setup a simi replacement server for MS
> SBS?
> I'll be here waiting.
> Ditt

Mike Dittmeier, RHCE, MCSE

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