Re: [SLUG] Re: ECS K7S5A

From: Chad Perrin (
Date: Sun Nov 28 2004 - 22:15:17 EST

Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 21:18, Bill Shaw wrote:


>>-Disable ACPI OS support in the CMOS.
>>- If your using a modem avoid the first PCI slot since it's shared
>>with the AGP slot.
> ???
> The AGP bus is its own, separate 32-bit PCI bus with a higher clock and
> special capabilities (long story).

I seem to recall, though, that often the AGP and the first PCI would
share an interrupt in early implementations of the AGP bus. I think
that's what he was trying to point out in this case. As I don't know
much (anything, particularly) about the motherboard in question, I
couldn't tell you if that's applicable in this case.

I may be misremembering. I so rarely have any use for the first PCI
slot that it hasn't really come up for me, anyway. Usually, just for
purposes of shortening the distance cables have to stretch and keeping
cables from getting too snarled together, it's easier for me to have PCI
cards slotted nearer the bottom.

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