Re: [SLUG] Boot Problem

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 15:17:14 EST

Glenn Meyer wrote:
> I have a Compaq Armada M700 (laptop) that I am installing Red Hat WS 3.0
> on. The install goes very smoothly until the reboot. Very early in the
> boot process, the system hangs every time immediately following....
> "Total HugeTLB memory allocation, 0"
> Googling hasn't produced anything I can comprehend. I find nothing on
> Red Hat's site. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!

Have you checked this site:

The quirks seem mostly related to video. Try booting in runlevel 3. At
the boot prompt you'd add:
    vga=none 3

Do this at the end of whatever kernel is your default. It's probably
GRUB running, so at the GRUB screen select the kernel line, 'e' to edit,
add the above, press Enter, then 'b' to boot it.

If this works try looking at video settings.

If you still have a problem, drop into the BIOS and start turning off
stuff such as sound, USB, etc.. THen turn them back on one-by-one to see
if you can boot.
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