Re: [SLUG] Computer noise and Tinnitus

From: Donald E Haselwood (
Date: Mon Dec 12 2005 - 17:37:50 EST

> > > Tinnitus
> I have it, hear the sound of escaping air 24x7. I have learned to live with
> it. Got it from flying old noisy airplanes. Should have used ear plugs...

Got mine at a NASCAR race at Charlotte about 12 yrs ago, though I think was
the straw the broke the camel's back. We were down close to one of speakers
as well. (Should've used ear plugs, but at a NASCAR race that'd be wimpy.)

A hiss with a ring in the 10 Khz range. It's makes it really hard to
understand someone talking when there is background noise. One doc told me
it is the "sensing hairs" (cilia?) in the chochlea that lay over, die, or
something, and the nerves get impulses like there was a sound.

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