[SLUG] Minutes of the Meeting, 2005-12-13

From: Dylan Hardison (dylanwh@gmail.com)
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 00:47:51 EST

(Before I begin, I'd like to mention that the last St. Petersburg meeting
did not occure on Tuesday, the 28th of November. Because that day doesn't exist.
Of course, most people know this. Ahem.)

Dateline: Tuesday, 13th of December, 2005.
  * Dylan as an escaped mental patient from SeaWorld.
  * Christopher Hotchkiss as Dr. Chotchki
  * William Overstreet as President Yetr2
  * Alex Harris as alHex the Barbarian
  * Steve Buehler as ScooterGeek
  * Bob Foxworth as Agent Fox
  * Pat as The Oracle
  * Scott as The Teacher
  * Jonathon Conte as homeless man #1
  * Dave as policeman #1
  * SOTL as policeman #2

[switching to first person now]

Scene 1:
        I entered the Tech building at about 6:30. Prior, I was waiting
outside in the cold.
I followed Officer SOTL in. As SOTL begins explaining his latest plan
to catch evildoers using a database and
open office 2, President Yetr2 enters. Being clueless, I let the Yetr2
help SOTL.

I also showed both SOTL and Yetr2 my gift to Dr. Chotchki -- a
mysterious aluminum foil and duct tape packet,
with an attached Irish flag.
SOTL thought the flag was the Mexican flag.
Then, suddenly, Agent Fox arrives to deliver a message to SOTL.
In the process, Agent Fox's girlfriend, The Oracle appears out of the void.
She says the flag looks like the Indian flag.

Both The Oracle and Agent Fox disappear behind a green door.

A short while later, Agent Fox appears with a strip of paper, and
hands it to me.
I read the paper, understanding the meaning, and pass it back. Fox
nods, and disappears again.

At this time, we walk towards the meeting room.
We spot alHex the Barbarian, eating a freshly killed Caribou and
interfacing with his laptop.
alHex joins our group, and enter the room.
Therein, Scott (undercover agent, code name: The Teacher) was
beginning the meeting.
As well, ScooterGeek was talking to his laptop, a sleek iBook.

Before the meeting started proper, I received a phone call from Leonard,
who had forgotten about the meeting. He decided to not come this time.

After more people arrived, the meeting quickly went to introductions,
after a discussion of some recent events.

During my introduction, I mentioned something about a language based
on the movement of squirrels
from tree to tree, in similar essense to Homespring.
To this, SOTL said I need a girlfriend. My friend the Barbarian
chimmed in, announcing to the entire room that I do
indeed have one... Thanks, alHex.

I remembered Dr. Chotchki might be coming, since he was recently
released on parole after
several months of solitary. I went to grab my phone, which was
charging behind The Teacher.

I called Chotchki, and he asked me where the meeting was. I told him,
and also informed him
I had a package for him. He said he would be there in five minutes.

Six minutes later, Chotchki arrived. This was the first meeting he had
been to in a while.
We talked a bit amounst ourselves, and I showed him my latest project
(a make replacement).
I also covertly gave Chotchki the silver package, which contained
ginger-snap cookies.

During the meeting we talked of the evils of the Sony spyware,
and Yetr2, Dr. Chotchki, plus some random homeless man tried
to get Officer Dave's wireless card to work.

With the aid of a talking parrot, whose name I forget, it was made to
work. But at this point,
the meeting was over.

Myself, alHex the Barbarian, The Teacher, President Yetr2, Dr.
Chotchki, ScooterGeek
went to Benigans.
We were met there by Spoony and her son, Tristan "The Knife" Joeseph
Michael Anderson-Waite.

Once again, as in the last several meetings, alHex's desire to frollic
in the forests was discussed.
Another topic was the fact that I might be an escaped mental patient
from SeaWorld.
ScooterGeek also discussed similarities in "The Knife"'s crazy
2-year-old frenzy and his own son's insanity.
President Yetr2 discussed plans to send a 5 gallon bucket of pickles
to Chad Perrin for Christmas,
owing to Chad's great love of pickles.

alHex would also like to make it clear, he does not normally run
around naked in the forests.
It scares the Carribou too much.

And so, we departed. After much waiting on our waiter, who seemed to
be... As The Teacher said, perhaps
mentally challenged.

It was a very good night, and I think Scott did a very good job
filling in for Mario.

I'd also like to remind people to visit #slug.fl on irc.freenode.net
-- it's always fun!
The 10th person to join will get a free cookie!

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