[SLUG] Ubuntu questions

From: eben1@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 01:48:22 EST

So I put Ubuntu 5.10 ("Breezy Badger"... where do they get these names?)
on my machine tonight, after making a complete backup. I have a couple

1. How do I use apt-*? I've used strictly rpm since the mid 1990s.

2. I like fvwm2 as a window manager, but cannot find it in the list of
packages offered by Synaptic. Same with a couple more programs. Should
I go ahead and compile them from source? Is there an "official" way, so
that the database knows about them?

3. It seems every package I tell Synaptic to remove (OK, not *every*
one...) says ubuntu-desktop depends on it. What *is* that? Some of the
others claim that its removal will render the system unusable. Will it

4. I haven't looked around, but DVD/mp3/movie file players, and mixer
adjusters (alsactl is fine)?

I'm sure I'll have more, as I haven't done a complete upgrade like this
in years.

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