[SLUG] Primary Domain Controller on a Samba / MS network = ?

From: SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat Mar 11 2006 - 16:46:46 EST

Hi All

I have a small network that has 3 MS boxes and 1 Linux boxes fully networked.

I am in the process of attempting to set up 2 additional Linux boxes with
OpenSuSE 10.1 which of course is kind of problamatic since 10.1 is out only
as Beta 6.but most things are fully operational including Samba.

Not being fully conversant in Samba and Windows networking is leading to
certain difficulties. Not knowing how 2 of the MS boxes are setup is another
issue which I usually avoid by shutting them down but there times when that
is not convenient to do so.

That leads to my question.

MUST one have a primary domain controller?

The issue is not MAY one have a primary domain controller but MUST one have
one? Is it possible to set up all the Samba boxes as non primary domain
controllers and have everything function correctly?


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