Joe Brandt wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 July 2006 2:18 am, chris lee wrote:
> Good for Europe!!
> Our government (used really loosely) does not have the gonads to do anything
> about Microsoft. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this the first time in
> our history that a company was declared a monopoly and nothing was done about
> it?
> Goes back to the golden rule "He has the gold makes the rules"
> We have the best government money can buy!!
> OK I will stop now.
> I love my country, but fear it's government!!
Must... ...fight... ...urge... reply!!! No, really. I love
this country, but I have to admit a certain level of disillusionment in
the price that you can pay for it. There are some really screwy things
that go on here. I can wish all day for change, but the popularity
contest called politics will continue to elect people that are more and
more criminal. When the criminals are in power, you get a situation
like South Africa. This is our future, boys and girls. It may not
happen within our lifetimes, but it is an inevitability. The only other
alternative is a political revolution which will undoubtedly lead to
communism or fascism. So, in conclusion, our poor little country here
is headed toward one of three things: Anarchy, Communism, or a Facist
dictatorship. There. I said it. (Oh, I suppose this would fit better
on the "politics" list, huh? How do I get on that, anyway?)
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