[SLUG] [PIG] Recursive vs. iterative

From: Dylan William Hardison (dylan@hardison.net)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 18:40:57 EDT

Spake Eben King on Friday, July 07, 2006 at 01:14PM -0400:
> The prof said any recursive algorithm can be turned into a non-recursive
> algorithm, which is reasonable, as that's what compiled code with loops
> completely unrolled is.

This is somewhat misleading.

Any recursive function can be written using iteration, however this does
not always result in faster code.

The problem with recursive functions is not the recursion itself, but
the stack space used by each call.

Take the function "sum" function, which recursively performs addition on
a list of integers:

let rec sum list =
  match list with
      [] ->
        (* return 0 for empty lists *)
    | x :: rest ->
        (* return first item + sum of rest of list. *)
        x + sum rest
This function is written in ocaml, and is not tail recursive. For each
item in list, some stack space is used in a call to sum(). This is
pretty bad, as you're going to run out of stack space eventually, and
the program will abort (actually, in ocaml an exception is raised, but
that is becides the point).

We can write this with tail recursion:

let rec sum_tail total list =
  match list with
      [] -> total
    | x :: rest -> sum_tail (x + total) rest

It is obvious that the last thing the function
does is call itself, and thus (with compiler magic) this is as efficient
as an iterative version (that is, it doesn't use any more stack space).

Note this sum_tail function must be called as: sum_tail 0 list.
Typically you'd define the function like this, and create a wrapper

let sum list = sum_tail 0 list

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 then there will never be hope for you."
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