RE: [SLUG] [PIG] Visual Basic

From: Ken Elliott (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2006 - 22:57:57 EDT

>> What I have a question about is that its driver is: " Visual Basic
program that...
>> Is there any way to run VB in Linux...

Most Visual Basic programs are supplied in a compiled binary. Might it run
the .EXE in WINE?

Ken Elliott

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Eben King
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:24 PM
To: SLUG Mailing List
Subject: [SLUG] [PIG] Visual Basic

I'm talking to a guy who has a lightning detection rig, shown here:

What I have a question about is that its driver is: " Visual Basic program
that detects the direction to the source of the lightning strike with an
accuracy of 1 degree". Is there any way to run VB in Linux, or to translate
that code to something that _can_ be run?

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