You can use Cat 5 for the cable run, you'll just have some of the
twisted pairs not used. May be good to do this for future use. When I
had my phone hooked up about two years ago the Verizon installer told me
that they are using Cat 5 when they install lines now. Look on newegg
for bulk cable, last I looked it was a lot cheaper than going to Home
Depot or Lowe's for it.
SOTL wrote:
> Richard Smoot wrote:
>> On Monday 17 July 2006 21:20, SOTL wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> What a pain doing email in a browser.
>>> To start I moved so I no longer live in the old location ie Tampa.
>>> I have I think dial up if I can make the phone system work. The
>>> issue of
>>> making the phone system work has little to do with the phone system and
>>> more to do with the big stack of boxes in front of it but that is
>>> another
>>> story. One issue is that I must run a new phone line and that
>>> brings up a
>>> interesting question.
>>> Comming from Maw Bell, not a Verison system but an old Maw Bell
>>> system, the
>>> two conductor black cable from the telephone pole connects to the
>>> side of
>>> the house, enters a lightning errestor, and then passes into the
>>> basement
>>> where it goes to a junction box.
>>> Is there any particular type of wire one must use on the line side
>>> feeding
>>> to the wall connector that then passes to the eathernet ? I know on
>>> the out
>>> side of the eathernet modem one needs to use cat 5 but since I am
>>> refering
>>> to the hardwiring on the input side of the modem not to the output side
>>> which uses cat 5 what does one use?
>>> Frank
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Did MAW Bell give you a self install DSL Modem package?
>> Normally there is a filter to separate the DSL signal from regular
>> phone stuff ans then to the DSL Modem with more or less regular
>> phone cable. Then your ethernet comes from the DSL Modem to your
>> computer or your router.
>> Richard Smoot
> Haven't got to the level of getting DSL yet.
> As I understand it the building owner et is responsible for all wiring
> installation from building junction box to the actual phone or
> telephone device such as a DSL modem. This may be incorrect but that
> is certainly the way it is with Verizon and commercial connections in
> Tampa.
> What I am trying to ascertain is there any particular type of wire I
> need to use to make this cable run which I intend to do myself since
> that will save me several hundard dollars. After the cable run is made
> then I will get Maw Bell to make the connections on both ends but the
> actual pulling of the cable I will do and that will be a real pain in
> the ass so I have no desires to repeat the experience.
> Frank
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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