> Wellllllll...... being so confident of your expertise I just added the -aid
> 128 option and what to my wondering eyes should appear???? An mpg in
> English!!
> Tell me, where does that option come from ????? Out of the blue???? How does
> one determine that the option is necessary??? (other than you don't
> understand the language)
`-alang en` works the same and might be easier to remember. I
*always* use this option, because on a lot of (us) dvds the default
language turns out to be french or spanish. Apparently the dvd
manufacturers aren't too good about setting this, I guess because a
hardware player always specifies the language you have set in your
-- Tcsh: Now with higher FPS! http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/shouldbefree.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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