Richard Smoot wrote:
> On Sunday 23 July 2006 22:07, michael hast wrote:
>> Possum wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> The other question (may not be relevant) I have is the question of
>>> legality of playing DVD's... Is it possible to (legally) play them on
>>> SLED?
>>> Honestly, I really like the SLED 10 screenshots (they're pretty)...but
>>> if it doesn't offer the same operational value, I think I'll remain
>>> with my current distro.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Possum
>> Okay, you've hit on something there that I have seen alluded to, but
>> never heard anything outright on. Is it illegal to play DVD's on
>> free-as-in-beer Linux? If so, by what rational? To me, it seems like
>> making it illegal to play records if you are using the wrong kind of
>> amplifier. Please enlighten. Thanks.
>> --Michael
> The problem is that The encryption used on commercial DVD's uses some
> DOD technology. As you well know, it is trivial to break it. I hope the
> Dept of defense isn't using it for something serious. The rational that MPAA
> uses is that you are also attacking National Defense. They will not release
> the code to open source OS's.
> Richard Smoot
Stupid and scary. A dangerous combination!
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