>>> On Fri, Nov 3, 2006 at 2:25 PM, in message
<4387.>, "Rich Morgan"
<rmorgan@heavysystems.com> wrote:
> On Fri, November 3, 2006 1:51 pm, John Pugh wrote:
>> I'm not a lawyer and cannot comment on the legal concerns - obviously you
>> have significant experience in patent law and understand the GPL's legal
>> ramifications. Novell does have several lawyers on staff that do
>> understand and have had significant experience in GPL and intellectual
>> property law.
> Sarcasm aside, I am a consumer and I feel betrayed by the Suse brand. We
> don't need witty comments from Novell reps, we need Linux companies that
> won't throw it's users under the bus. Hardly anyone aside from Microsoft
> and Novell see this deal as a Good Thing(tm).
You know what - I was not being sarcastic, but how would you know that on this unemotional medium. And I don't need your uneducated opinion. Read the news - many do feel this is a great thing.
>> There are many ways to view this agreement, all of you are entitled to
>> your own. I, personally, see it as a huge bonus for everyone and now a
>> significant ability for Linux to start taking MS workloads over and be
>> supported by the monopoly who will not be a monopoly much longer.
> I certainly respect the right to have your opinion and I *sincerely* hope
> history proves you correct. But Linux has _already_ been steadily taking
> over Microsoft's workload. We basically own the server market. We've
> been making huge inroads on the desktop with polished products like SLED
> and RHEL. Why turn around and make this deal with Microsoft now? Is it
> really worth it to Novell lose so much street cred??
Interesting comment - last I saw - MS continues to command the server market by a significant margin (49% Win vs 28% Linux).
I'm not here to defend Novell's actions. There are many different opinions and you have one of them.
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