-----Original Message-----
>From: John Pugh <jpugh@novell.com>
>Sent: Nov 3, 2006 1:51 PM
>To: slug@nks.net
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Microsoft rides the NERD SLED!
>I'm not a lawyer and cannot comment on the legal concerns - obviously you have significant experience in patent law and understand the GPL's legal ramifications. Novell does have several lawyers on staff that do understand and have had significant experience in GPL and intellectual property law.
>Of course - RH tried to do last year what Novell succeeded at doing yesterday.
>RH sees this agreement as a victory for Linux.
>And Novell works very closely with FSF, contributes to it's cause and is fully aligned with the open source community as a whole.
>There are many ways to view this agreement, all of you are entitled to your own. I, personally, see it as a huge bonus for everyone and now a significant ability for Linux to start taking MS workloads over and be supported by the monopoly who will not be a monopoly much longer.
Corel thought the same thing when they started their Linux Endeavors!
They stated at their Road Show our Friends and Microsoft! Funny how long that lasted.
Then suddenly Corel took on a new CEO and stopped work on Word Perfect for Linux! Corel Draw for Linux both bit the big one along with their Distro... Once Corel decided to work with the .net in exchange for a Donation it was a sign that one potential threat was eliminated.
When Microsoft has their hands in something they can then easily come up with new Marketing and Dev to counter their competitors. Funny Billy boy had almost 10% stock in Redhat as well. He had stock in Corel, and Apple...
As for the statement they would not be a Monopoly much longer that is rather bold and daring comment. If they are so poised to help the Community then where is an I.E. 7 for Linux or Unix? Where is Office for Linux?, Where is the Front Page for Linux or Unix?
To me if you really want to break the Monopoly then I would think IBM and Novell would stand a better chance to make Microsoft come clean. You get IBM to open up Lotus Notes, Lotus Smart Suite up to package with Novell S.u.S.E. and lauch another huge Campaign on TV and Such stating something like "The New Inovation and Opertunity is Yours" Punch in the commercial something like why limit your self looking through Windows?
Hmmm.. People know IBM and many know Novell with aggressive marketing and then get IBM or Novell to convince others to join in the parade such as Adobe for one etc., Honestly the one company MS knows they can not tame any more is IBM!!!
IBM is one company that can go almost fully Head to Head plus IBM even has Hard Ware and Support Solutions. So that is the kind of partnership that would make changes...
Bill P.
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