Levi Bard wrote:
>> John has now uns*bscr*bed from this list, which is a real shame.
> Is it? He *has* made a rare few useful contributions, but 99% of the
> time, when somebody asks a question on-list, the exchange goes like
> this:
> ListUser: Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to list files under a
> certain directory that are above a certain size, sorted by filesize.
> JP: Novell Enterprise-Ready Desktop/Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop
> 19.4 comes with a file search application preinstalled, and it will
> also interface with Banshee, our new media player that lets you
> simultaneously upload content to your iPod and your MySpace.
> ListUser: Thanks, that's very interesting, but it's really not what
> I'm looking for. For one thing, I'm using Fedora Core 5, and I was
> really just looking for a little command-line script or something.
> JP: You could also try Beagle, which is also preinstalled with Novell
> Enterprise-Ready Desktop/Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop version 19.4,
> and will index all of your files for integration with all of your
> GNOME application, like Banshee.
> ListUser: Uhh...
>> If we *ever* get another Linux company rep on the list, it would be nice
>> if we cut the guy a little more slack.
> Perhaps the reason that previous reps haven't been cut much slack is
> that they're generally more interested in shilling their wares than in
> being productive members of the discussions held herein.
That's a little harsh, dude. Yeah, he plugged the product quite a bit,
granted. But, if I found out that you were a firefighter at a station
with an aged breathing air compressor that was giving you fits, I would
make sure that you were aware that the company I work for could provide
a high-quality new one affordably. There have been plenty of times that
John posted like a broken record, but was he doing anything more than
taking pride in his work? It's really sad that there's not more of that
in our society. He shouldn't be insulted for it. Paul is absolutely
right. Cut the guy some slack. I don't use Suse, but I think it's a
fine distribution. There are many things that it does a whole lot
easier than my beloved Debian. I didn't make my feelings a secret when
I got a reply to a Q that you caricaturized above. But, it's called a
grain of salt, my man. It takes all types to make the world go round,
and I'm not about to give a "good riddance" on this one.
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