Re: [SLUG] The End of an Era for SLUG?

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat May 26 2007 - 12:09:16 EDT

Rich Morgan wrote:

>> This is going on all over the place. I am on four or five different LUGS
>> and all are seeing the same thing.
> <snip>
> What if there were more themed events? Or maybe microgroups? The one
> Brandon meeting I attended was dominated with Photoshop talk which is of
> little interest to me (no offense). But I'd go to every meeting about
> PHP, shell scripting, C, server administration, security, gaming, Angelina
> Jol^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.

Hmm. The Angelina Jolie Linux SIG. I'd go! ;-}

Some of these special interests have too small an audience within SLUG
to support their own activities. In fact, I think that's one of the
"problems" with Linux overall. There are too many other readily
available sources for information on these topics these days. For
example, I subscribe to two online magazine regarding PHP, which have
excellent content targeted at what I do with PHP. SLUG can't provide
this depth of expertise and content.

I think groups like the PC Users Group get around this by having big
name presenters and free software to give away. People may not care much
for whatever the specific topic is, but they can listen to a slick
presentation and hope they'll win something.

> When I was a member of the Pittsburgh LUG back in the 90's, our meetings
> consisted of actually bringing your gear and installing various Linux
> distro's on it. We'd pitch in and order some pizza, play some quake, try
> to hack into each other's boxes... it was a blast. Do we do that
> anymore?

Hopefully, meeting coordinators have made it clear that you're welcome
to bring a box and watch us all geek out at meetings. In fact, a fellow
brought this water-cooled monstrosity to the Dunedin meeting a couple of
months ago. We all gathered round and hopefully helped the guy in
getting Linux working on the machine.

Pizza's optional, depending on the venue.

I've got maybe 3 - 4 hardcore diehards who come to Dunedin meetings.
Mostly we sit around and talk about whatever happens to strike our
fancy. It's fun to shoot the breeze, and I'm sure *some* knowledge gets
imparted. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort overall. And after a
while, my card tricks just didn't impress them any more. ;-}


Paul M. Foster
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