Re: [SLUG] Reiser4

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2007 - 19:18:42 EDT

On Wednesday 26 September 2007 18:52, Eben King wrote:

> > However, I'm currently formatting a 1TB Drive and with ext3, I only get
> > 871GB usable. For giggles I formatted Reiserfs and I get 932GB usable.
> > That's a 61GB difference!!!
> That's 6%. How important is data recovery? I'll wager that it's more than
> 6% of $DRIVE_PRICE.

> I'm sure Hans Reiser is a smart guy, but his filesystem doesn't inspire
> confidence in me.

I so agree with that sentiment. My view is like if I need that extra space
then I'll get a bigger or more drives. 60G sounds like a lot until you look
at the fact you almost have a TB of space.

My primary concern is usually reliability, and recoverability goes hand in
hand with that. When a filesystem has issues with recovering (or not loosing)
data then I don't dare using it. The down time becomes too expensive. Good
ol' ext3 works just fine in that light.


Steve Szmidt

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