Re: [SLUG] choppy audio over IAX trunk in Asterisk

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Sat Oct 27 2007 - 09:02:02 EDT

On Saturday 27 October 2007, Chris Mathey wrote:

> Thanks Steve, I'm going to post this over there as well.
> Bedides default IAX configuration did you adjust anything on your IAX
> channels?

(Looks like you got a cold, though this would be the first time I see someone
typing like they sound : )

Standard setting like these works pretty good.


I can add that I found some computers not working well with Asterisk. They
typically have issues with interrupts not being done 'standardly' and so on.

SIP is too insecure for my liking so I only use IAX when going over untrusted
networks, like the Internet.

Hmm. You should also know that all versions of Asterisk got some interesting
bugs. 1.4 is for example not ready for prime time at all. Of course it
depends on what you do with it. But I really recommend that you try different
versions. We use f.ex. 1.2.17 for systems that does heavy dialing.

Some background on my considerations:

>From my perspective Asterisk development has never been managed particularly
well. From too easy for any Joe to add buggy and outright poor code, to being
clueless about release cycles and allowing new code (features) on what should
be feature freeze for debug to final release.

Now 1.2 has been stopped and development will only be with 1.4, except it is
quite buggy and will do all sorts of 'interesting' things.

Of course with all that it has been a pretty decently working system since the
very beginning. You just never know what is broken with each release.

I think what makes it workable 'in spite of' is that the sound quality is
almost always perfect. We were able to do calls that crossed the US twice
(Clw to LA and back) and still if the other person did not make any noise you
did not know if the connection was still up. So it's not to say Asterisk is
all bad, just that you would sometimes go batty over something stupid someone

The limitations to what you can do with Asterisk is really just your
imagination. You can control just every imaginable parts of calls to such an
extent that it makes any other phone system out right dull.

I just had a discussion with a client and we were talking about Asterisk. He
told me about a friend who had bought this new high tech phone system for
$18K. Meanwhile another friend built his own using Asterisk. When the guy who
paid $18K discovered that Asterisk did _much_ more than his expensive system
he nearly passed out.

There has been several branches with people who just wanted to do a proper
development cycle. They don't seem to have the momentum to carry on. Plus the
volume of users of _Asterisk_ is now astronomical.

I stopped actively following the list a couple of years ago when there were
over 10,000 active posters. Now I just follow Announce and Security.

You should probably come to the monthly Asterisk meetings. It is the first
Tuesday each month and you can read more about it at:


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

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