Re: [SLUG] My Microsoft Call

From: Russell Hires (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 22:07:49 EDT

In a manly, Robin-Hood like voice, I say: "Hooray!!"


      "I don't care if you're going nowhere,
       Just take good care of the world."
                            -- Depeche Mode

>From: Smitty <>
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] My Microsoft Call
>Date: Mon, Apr 16, 2001, 9:56 PM

> Paul M. Foster is hereby commended for rattling a microsoft shill!
> Smitty
> Paul M Foster wrote:
>> SLUGs:
>> So I'm at work today and I get this phone call. From Microsoft. At
>> first, I'm thinking, oh boy, the BSA is coming. No, they want to sell me
>> something. I wonder how they got my name? (Duh, they're Microsoft; they
>> probably have _everybody's_ name.)
>> Okay, so what does he want to sell me? It's some sort of whizbang
>> website thing that's supposed to bring customers to my site and blah
>> yada blah. Okay, is it some software I run on my system? No. Okay, is it
>> something I have to run on the server that houses the website? No. Do I
>> have to move my site to Microsoft servers? No. Okay, does any of my data
>> or my customers' data flow through Microsoft servers? Well, yeah.
>> Aha! He obviously didn't realize who he was calling. So I let him know.
>> I explained to him how Microsoft had gotten their butts in trouble
>> recently with their little Passport TOS fiasco. And how Microsoft wasn't
>> exactly a friend of us folks in the Open Source/Linux world. And how
>> Allchin and Ballmer had both come out recently against Linux and Open
>> Source, and...
>> Click.
>> I get sales calls all the time from people trying to sell my company one
>> thing or another, and as aggravated as I am by it, I let them give their
>> little spiel and then try to politely decline. And they almost never
>> hang up on me.
>> But I was ready for this guy. And I danced a little jig when I got off
>> the phone.
>> Ha ha hee hee ho ho! (Childish yes, I know, but how often do you get to
>> just unload on some poor defenseless telemarketing geek?)
>> Paul

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