On Saturday 12 May 2001 07:07 pm, you wrote:
> > actually no i wasnt trying to drive traffic. if the article is correct
> > and gnome's players are in trouble i suggested they join
> > up with the KDE team. if the article is inaccurate then i guess
> > i did drive up the traffic inadvertently. i do have opinion and i
> > am not wishing gnome people any bad will . that is why
> > i was asking around to get some verification about the article.
> As for GNOME, "More bugs than a house in Florida"? HUH? From experience
> here I can tell you that Gnome works fine (at least up to 1.2, and I'm
> not sure about the version shipping with Drake, which I find tends to be
> buggier than most distros).
It has about as many bugs as KDE, though KDE
> is an older generally more advanced desktop whose major problem is that
> it is un-immaginative (I'm tired of people telling me that a
> Windows-Like GUI is the only "user friendly" GUI and I refuse to believe
> that that's as "intuitive" as things can get).
who has been telling u that. i havent been saying that. i must admit
i did try gnome when i first got linux and i didnt like it. that doesnt
mean u dont like it and it still doesnt address my question. is gnome
or the people or players that are getting gnome going in trouble.
Gnome is trying to head
> in a somewhat different direction, which explains why the bugs are more
> notable. You can "se" what they "try" to do. Due to that, age aside I
> consider it the supersior desktop.
good for u. i believe that KDE is the MAIN desktop for Linux. that is
my opinion. i base this on the fact that so many people use KDe
as their MAIN desktop. i think gnome going in a different is great
for linux. i have no problem with this. i even encourage it. i just happen
to prefer KDE . i hope this is ok with u :)
> (For the record, I use Gnome on my Laptop and KDE on my desktop, so my
> experience is pretty current.)
> Norb
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