Bill Ehlert wrote:
> Is there a way to tar zip a large directory ( 2 GB ) and produce multiple
> output volumes that are 650 MB or less.
> I need to burn 650 MB CD-ROMS for backup. I've done it the hard way by
> tar'ing the 2 GB file and then using split to break the file into four parts
> that will fit on four CD's.
> Is there a better way or option for tar that will split as it goes?
> FYI, I'm using Red Hat Linux 7.1 to do this.
> Thanks
> Mr. Bill
from the tar man pages:
-L, --tape-length=N
change tapes after writing N*1024 bytes
-M, --multi-volume
create/list/extract multi-volume archive
My guess: If writing to a file instead of a tape then, when tar prompts
for a new volume, try renaming the output file and creating a new empty
file (touch filename) with the original name. You'll need two consoles
or xterms -- one to run tar and another to do the file renaming.
mv myfile.tar myfile1.tar
touch myfile.tar
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