Re: [SLUG] Debian, Logcheck and Postfix (oh my!)

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 19:04:48 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 10:37:06AM -0400, Derek Glidden wrote:
> > Paul M Foster wrote:
> > >
> > > In Debian 2.2, logcheck is configured out of the box to mail reports to
> > > root every hour. I'm using Postfix for my MTA. Here's what's happening:
> >
> > Without being familiar with Postfix, I'd recommend that the place to
> > look for is to tell your mail server to accept mail for the
> > "" domain. Hopefully that would allow it to just
> > accept mail sent to "" and stop trying to forward
> > it on.
> My ISP's mailserver _does_ accept mail from/for The
> problem seems to be that mail sent to any "unqualified" address (like
> root, paulf) gets "" added to it locally. And
> therefore goes out to the ISP instead of delivering locally.

Yep. I guess I wasn't clear - to fix this problem, you should tell your
LOCAL machine to accept mail for the "" domain as well
as "mars.lan" - then when mail is sent to, or
an unspecified domain name in which case is appended,
your local mail server will know that *it* should accept that mail and
not try to deliver it through your ISP.

I don't know how to make Postfix do this though.

I like the availability of choice when it comes to MTAs, but I keep
going back to Sendmail, because it just plain does all the stuff I need
it to do, and since the late 8.8.x days and the existence of .mc files,
mostly it's really easy. Under Debian's default sendmail config,
there's a "local-host-names" file to which I just add all the domains
for which Sendmail will accept mail for local delivery and I'm done with

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